Posted by : Unknown Tuesday, April 9, 2013

In this week, my friends and I felt like over the moon. It is because most of our homework already finish.Fortunately, Sir gave us some extra week to finish our blog. So, we could submit on next week which is week 11. For me,it's OK because my blog almost finish. In addition,we just do some kind of revision for our final paper which would be held on week 13.We have learnt more deepest about TCP which it stand for Transmission Control Protocol.They seven layers too. It is easy to remember by acronym. Others, it can be divided into two major concepts which are peer-to-peer networking and client server networking such as internet. We also have learn about URL or domain name. In my conclusion, we already pull up our sock to get good result in future.It could be proved when we always do study group every weekend. I felt that I don't want to "graduate" from this course. It is because I like this course so much. Other wise,the lecturer also very mankind person with us. Hope we could met another time.

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