Posted by : Unknown Thursday, March 28, 2013

 After the end of holidays,I have to go back to the university which is AiU.Life must be continue on like our lesson also must be continue.So,in this week,I have learnt about microsoft office in computer internet course.Microsoft could be divided into several types which are Microsoft Word,Microsoft Power Point,Microsoft Excel ant others.My friends and I have learnt all about microsoft during this week in lecture class and also in lab class.Unfortunately,Ecah and I couldn't go to the lab because we have to attend the community service program.We were visiting the SK.Tunjang near Jitra.We have learnt new thing which it is about tradisional musics.At there,we could play 'kompang' , 'gendang' , 'serunai' and others.In addition,we also have panel discussion too.This week,my friends and I must present on the stage infront of our members during communication skills lesson.I felt like butterfly in my stomach.Alhamdulillah,we could do it very well.From this activity,we could summarize that we must have good self-esteem or confident to talk infront public.

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