Posted by : Unknown Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Learning in this course must be continue like our life continue on until now.The next topics are computer history,architecture,processing power types of computer,motherboard,CPU,main memory,storage devices,I/O devices and other peripheral devices that we have learnt during lecture.In my mind,I just remember a little bit note which it is the same with IT course.For instance,history computers and type of computers.

1st generation-->vacuum tube
2nd generation-->transistor
3rd generation-->combine million of transistor
4th generation-->IC/microchip
5th generation-->artificial intelligence (ROBOT)\

                                                              types of computers
Although it's hard,i must understand it and do a lot of exercises during my weekend.I have to sacrifice my holiday time to make a simple note about this course.Fortunately,my friends and I have a nine cloud during the process to finish it.

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