Posted by : Unknown Tuesday, February 19, 2013

This is my first class with our good-looking lecturer who is Mr.Azam.In this week,my friends and I don't learnt any note about this course.It is because sir don't want us to think like we are in suffered condition like spent whole time in jail.So,sir give us oppurtunity to rest at this first week .huhu...:) We just only introduced ourself during lecture session.Fortunately,sir recognise us because we already met at the first time during frisbee practice.
During lab session,sir give us assignment which typing test.We must get at least 42 and above words per minute to pass.But,i just got around 28 in english language.I try in malay language ang got 35 words per minutes.How slow i type???I think that the turtle is faster than me. ;(
I felt shame with my weakness.So,i must improve it.I will practice during my free type.

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