Archive for February 2013

Tuesday, February 19, 2013
The basic purpose of networks is to enable effective communication,share resources and facilitate centralized management of data.Different network serves different purpose for the users,according to their geographical boundaries or their component roles :)

"BASIC NETWORKING CONCEPTS".We must know about this kind of topics.Mr.Azam teach us with sincerity.Like usually,my friends and I will focused to understand it at the beginning.At the middle lecture our physical had been sit in the class and look at to sir but our mind fly everywhere.This is an experience for those who are called students.In session 2,we learn about networking communication medium.Mr.Azam show us some video which can attract us to learn it.When session 3 come out,we have touch about types of networking.

                                                              types of networking

In my mind,i just think about LAN,MAN,and WAN.Others topics which is network component.It can be include communication media,interconnecting devices,computer as known as host/node,networking software and applications.In addition,we also learnt about topology,protocol,architecture and others that we don't understand very well.
Diagram below is about types of protocol that people usually used in technological now:

Week 5:Basic Network Concepts

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In this week,my friends and I learn more deepest about software.So,our effort also increase.To understand the old note and the new note at the same time totaly vitally quiet hard.So,to overcome it,we make a discussion group.We had discussed about software layer which are operating system,drivers,system software, and application programs.Besides that,Programming Language,machine,assembly,and high-level language also had been teach by sir.So,we was recap it what that we learn in class.Others topics such as Standard Software Package which that was overview and typical installation procedure make us confuse.

Week 4:Software

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Learning in this course must be continue like our life continue on until now.The next topics are computer history,architecture,processing power types of computer,motherboard,CPU,main memory,storage devices,I/O devices and other peripheral devices that we have learnt during lecture.In my mind,I just remember a little bit note which it is the same with IT course.For instance,history computers and type of computers.

1st generation-->vacuum tube
2nd generation-->transistor
3rd generation-->combine million of transistor
4th generation-->IC/microchip
5th generation-->artificial intelligence (ROBOT)\

                                                              types of computers
Although it's hard,i must understand it and do a lot of exercises during my weekend.I have to sacrifice my holiday time to make a simple note about this course.Fortunately,my friends and I have a nine cloud during the process to finish it.

Week 3:Basic computer hardware

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In this week,we have learnt about computer.Computer is programmable machine that carries about what it has been instructed to do.We also learnt about computer operation with easy to remenber using acronim method which I.P.O.S + C
                                                             information processing cycle

Computer can be divided into two sector which hardware and software.We also can research good information or data by good characteristic
-speed,realibility,consistency,storage,and comunication.

Last but not least,we learn about number system which Malysia's students have learnt the basic before this in higher school level.But now,we already forget it.So,we must study it starting from now to cover this subject.In my mind,number system can be divided into four which are decimal,binary,octal and hexa.

Week 2:Computer

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This is my first class with our good-looking lecturer who is Mr.Azam.In this week,my friends and I don't learnt any note about this course.It is because sir don't want us to think like we are in suffered condition like spent whole time in jail.So,sir give us oppurtunity to rest at this first week .huhu...:) We just only introduced ourself during lecture session.Fortunately,sir recognise us because we already met at the first time during frisbee practice.
During lab session,sir give us assignment which typing test.We must get at least 42 and above words per minute to pass.But,i just got around 28 in english language.I try in malay language ang got 35 words per minutes.How slow i type???I think that the turtle is faster than me. ;(
I felt shame with my weakness.So,i must improve it.I will practice during my free type.

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