Tuesday, April 9, 2013
In this week, my friends and I felt like over the moon. It is because most of our homework already finish.Fortunately, Sir gave us some extra week to finish our blog. So, we could submit on next week which is week 11. For me,it's OK because my blog almost finish. In addition,we just do some kind of revision for our final paper which would be held on week 13.We have learnt more deepest about TCP which it stand for Transmission Control Protocol.They seven layers too. It is easy to remember by acronym. Others, it can be divided into two major concepts which are peer-to-peer networking and client server networking such as internet. We also have learn about URL or domain name. In my conclusion, we already pull up our sock to get good result in future.It could be proved when we always do study group every weekend. I felt that I don't want to "graduate" from this course. It is because I like this course so much. Other wise,the lecturer also very mankind person with us. Hope we could met another time.

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Computer Internet could be categories such as quiet hard subject which it is easy to understand and to remember.I could understand more information rather than before this.It is because I have to study smart and study hard during the mid term test.So,now I could easily remember some note.In this week,my friends and I had submit our report proposal which it is about purchase 100 units personal computer for student's facility.Besides that,we also have lab test again which it is about microsoft power point.I just remember that I must create the power point about my country.After finish it,I continue to finish my movie maker which I make it about internet application,Yahoo!. I felt satisfy because I could make it with my own ability.

My adorable friends and I must focused on microsoft word in this week.It is because,we have lab test which we must create our own poster with our creativity using this microsoft.Besides that,we also have our mid term test which it will be held at night.In my mind,this week should called such as assignment week.It is because I must finish all the assignment such as report proposal,movie maker,update blog,mini research paper and others.I must finish it as soon as possible.I was tried to manage my time properly to study,doing assignment and also play frisbee's sport.This is my life.So,I must sacrife a little bit my free time,energy and money to achieve successful in future.

week 8 : ExAm sEaSOn !!!

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 After the end of holidays,I have to go back to the university which is AiU.Life must be continue on like our lesson also must be continue.So,in this week,I have learnt about microsoft office in computer internet course.Microsoft could be divided into several types which are Microsoft Word,Microsoft Power Point,Microsoft Excel ant others.My friends and I have learnt all about microsoft during this week in lecture class and also in lab class.Unfortunately,Ecah and I couldn't go to the lab because we have to attend the community service program.We were visiting the SK.Tunjang near Jitra.We have learnt new thing which it is about tradisional musics.At there,we could play 'kompang' , 'gendang' , 'serunai' and others.In addition,we also have panel discussion too.This week,my friends and I must present on the stage infront of our members during communication skills lesson.I felt like butterfly in my stomach.Alhamdulillah,we could do it very well.From this activity,we could summarize that we must have good self-esteem or confident to talk infront public.

Week 7 : 3 in 1...

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In this week,I don't have to go to the class because this week are holidays time.I went back hometown which located near Jitra.It took just about 25 minutes to arrived.I could rest whole of my mind from suffered doing any kind of assignment.I just read comics and novels only in my home.During holidays,I hang out with my friends.We went to watch cinema which located in Jitra Mall.After that,we were playing bowling game.Luckily,I won because I have experience how to play it exactly...he...he...he..We also ate some Western food such are KFC and Pizza.Last but not least,we went to karaoke place which we could sing without any obstacles.Although it was exhausted but I felt over the moon when I could release stress with my lovely friends.

Week 6: Cloud nine Time :)

Posted by Unknown
Tuesday, February 19, 2013
The basic purpose of networks is to enable effective communication,share resources and facilitate centralized management of data.Different network serves different purpose for the users,according to their geographical boundaries or their component roles :)

"BASIC NETWORKING CONCEPTS".We must know about this kind of topics.Mr.Azam teach us with sincerity.Like usually,my friends and I will focused to understand it at the beginning.At the middle lecture our physical had been sit in the class and look at to sir but our mind fly everywhere.This is an experience for those who are called students.In session 2,we learn about networking communication medium.Mr.Azam show us some video which can attract us to learn it.When session 3 come out,we have touch about types of networking.

                                                              types of networking

In my mind,i just think about LAN,MAN,and WAN.Others topics which is network component.It can be include communication media,interconnecting devices,computer as known as host/node,networking software and applications.In addition,we also learnt about topology,protocol,architecture and others that we don't understand very well.
Diagram below is about types of protocol that people usually used in technological now:

Week 5:Basic Network Concepts

Posted by Unknown
In this week,my friends and I learn more deepest about software.So,our effort also increase.To understand the old note and the new note at the same time totaly vitally quiet hard.So,to overcome it,we make a discussion group.We had discussed about software layer which are operating system,drivers,system software, and application programs.Besides that,Programming Language,machine,assembly,and high-level language also had been teach by sir.So,we was recap it what that we learn in class.Others topics such as Standard Software Package which that was overview and typical installation procedure make us confuse.

Week 4:Software

Posted by Unknown

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